5 Things You Must Carry During Ramadan Ul Mubarak

Alhamdulillah! Ramadan has reached us, Subhay.com suggests 5 must have for Ramadan Ul Mubarak to make it more productive & effective.
1)Pocket Size Quran Majid:
Pocket Size Quran Majid is be easily carried throughout whole day and you can easily recite even in buffers and time gaps during day & night. Want to have it Click Here
2) Prayer Caps:
As Caps, Turban, Amamah are Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Aliehi Wassalam) & also a part of our national cultural Identity.
3) Pocket Sewaak / Miswaak:
As Sunnah siwak are best for oral care during whole year. If haven't bought it yet click the link below.
4) Tasbih or Tally Counter:
Tally counter are best to record zikr and to achieve your Ramadan goals :)
5) Dates:
Dates are best food in Sehr & Iftaar, Ajwa are one of the best and delicious dates in world. Try here
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